安装 Ubuntu Touch

Installing Ubuntu Touch is easy, and a lot of work has gone in to making the installation process less intimidating to less technical users. The UBports Installer is a nice graphical tool that you can use to install Ubuntu Touch on a supported device from your Linux, Mac or Windows computer.


If you’re switching your device over from Android, you will not be able to keep any data that is currently on the device. Create an external backup if you want to keep it.

Go to the download page and download the version of the installer for your operating system:

  • Windows: ubports-installer-<版本号>.exe
  • macOS: ubports-installer-<版本号>.dmg
  • Ubuntu 或 Debian: ubports-installer-<版本号>.deb
  • Other Linux distributions: ubports-installer-<version-number>.snap or ubports-installer-<version-number>.AppImage

Start the installer and follow the on-screen instructions that will walk you through the installation process. That’s it! Have fun exploring Ubuntu Touch!

If you’re an experienced android developer and want to help us bring Ubuntu Touch to more devices, visit the porting section.

在旧式 Android 设备上安装

While the installation process is fairly simple on most devices, some legacy Bq and Meizu devices require special steps. This part of the guide does not apply to other devices.


This is more or less uncharted territory. If your device’s manufacturer does not want you to install an alternative operating system, there’s not a lot we can do about it. The instructions below should only be followed by experienced users. While we appreciate that lots of people want to use our OS, flashing a device with OEM tools shouldn’t be done without a bit of know-how and plenty of research.

Meizu devices are pretty much stuck on Flyme. While the MX4 can be flashed successfully in some cases, the Pro5 is Exynos-based and has its own headaches.



  1. 从 PC 上断开所有(移动)设备和非必要外围设备的连接。 请使用充电器(而不是 PC)为设备充电至至少 40% 的电量。

  2. 为您的设备下载 Ubuntu Touch 刷机包:

  3. 下载适用于 Linux 的 SP flash tool <https://storage.googleapis.com/otas/2015/Tablets/Freezer%20FHD/Ubuntu/SP_Flash_Tool_exe_Linux_v5.1612.00.100.zip>`_ 。

On Ubuntu 17.10, there are issues with flash_tool loading the shared library ‘libpng12’, so this can be used as a workaround:

wget -q -O /tmp/libpng12.deb http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/libp/libpng/libpng12-0_1.2.54-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb \
&& sudo dpkg -i /tmp/libpng12.deb \
&& rm /tmp/libpng12.deb

You will also need to use the latest version of the tool.

  1. 解压 zip 文件
  2. 使用 sudo 命令打开工具
  3. Select the *Android_scatter.txt file from the archive you downloaded in the first step as the scatter-loading file
  4. 选择“固件更新”
  5. 仔细检查您选择的是“固件升级”而不是“下载”或“全部格式化”


If you select DOWNLOAD rather than FIRMWARE UPGRADE, you will end up with a useless brick rather than a fancy Ubuntu Touch device. Be sure to select FIRMWARE UPGRADE.

  1. 让您的设备完全关机,但请不要将其连接。
  2. 请按“下载”按钮
  3. 执行最终的完整性检查,选择“固件升级”选项,而不是“下载”。
  4. 确保您的设备已关闭并将其连接到 PC。 请勿使用 USB 3.0 端口,因为它会导致设备出现通信问题。
  5. Magic happens. Your device will boot into a super old version of Ubuntu Touch.
  6. 恭喜! 您的设备现在将启动到老旧版本的 Ubuntu Touch 。您现在可以使用 UBports 安装程序继续操作。