

Documentation on this site is written in ReStructuredText, or RST for short. Please check the RST Primer if you are not familiar with RST.

本页面将指导您编写可在本网站上发布的关于 UBports 项目的优秀文档。


These rules govern how you should write your documentation to avoid problems with style, format, or linking. If you don’t follow these guidelines, we will not accept your document.


All pages must have a document title that will be shown in the table of contents (left sidebar) and at the top of the page.

Titles should be sentence cased rather than Title Cased. For example:

Incorrect casing:
    Writing A Good Bug Report
Correct casing:
    Writing a good bug report
Correct casing when proper nouns are involved:
    Installing Ubuntu Touch on your phone

There isn’t a single definition of title casing that everyone follows, but sentence casing is easy. This helps keep capitalization in the table of contents consistent.

Page titles are underlined with equals signs. For example, the markup for Bug 报告 includes the following title:

Bug reporting

Note that:

  1. The title is sentence cased
  2. The title is underlined with equals signs
  3. The underline spans the title completely without going over

Incorrect examples of titles include:

  • Incorrect casing

    Bug Reporting
  • Underline too short

    Bug reporting
  • Underline too long

    Bug reporting


There are several levels of headings that you may place on your page. These levels are shown here in order:

Page title

Level one

Level two

Level three

Each heading level creates a sub-section in the global table of contents tree available when the documentation is built. In the primary (web) version of the documentation, this only shows four levels deep from the top level of the documentation. Please refrain from using more heading levels than will show in this tree as it makes navigating your document difficult. If you must use this many heading levels, it is a good sign that your document should be split up into multiple pages.


People can’t navigate to your new page if they can’t find it. Neither can Sphinx. That’s why you need to add new pages to Sphinx’s table of contents.

You can do this by adding the page to the index.rst file in the same directory that you created it. For example, if you create a file called “newpage.rst”, you would add the line marked with a chevron (>) in the nearest index:

.. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1
    :name: example-toc

>   newpage

The order matters. If you would like your page to appear in a certain place in the table of contents, place it there. In the previous example, newpage would be added to the end of this table of contents.


Your edits must not introduce any warnings into the documentation build. If any warnings occur, the build will fail and your pull request will be marked with a red ‘X’. Please ensure that your RST is valid and correct before you create a pull request. This is done automatically (via sphinx-build crashing with your error) if you follow our build instructions below.

Line length

There is no restriction on line length in this repository. Please do not break lines at an arbitrary line length. Instead, turn on word wrap in your text editor.


The following steps will help you to make a contribution to this documentation after you have written a document.


You will need a GitHub account to complete these steps. If you do not have one, click here to begin the process of making an account.

Fork 存储库

You can make more advanced edits to our documentation by forking ubports/docs.ubports.com on GitHub. If you’re not sure how to do this, check out the excellent GitHub guide on forking projects.


If you’d like to build this documentation before sending a PR (which you should), follow these instructions on your local copy of your fork of the repository.

The documentation can be built by running ./build.sh in the root of this repository. The script will also create a virtual build environment in ~/ubportsdocsenv if none is present.

If all went well, you can enter the _build/html directory and open index.html to view the UBports documentation.

If you have trouble building the docs, the first thing to try is deleting the build environment. Run rm -r ~/ubportsdocsenv and try the build again. Depending on when you first used the build script, you may need to run the rm command with sudo.

Alternative methods to contribute


You may find the components of this document to translate at its project in UBports Weblate.

Writing documents not in RST format

If you would like to write documents for UBports but are not comfortable writing ReStructuredText, please write it without formatting and post it on the UBports Forum in the relevant section (likely General). Someone will be able to help you revise your draft and write the required ReStructuredText.

Uncomfortable with Git

If you’ve written a complete document in ReStructuredText but aren’t comfortable using Git or GitHub, please post it on the UBports Forum in the relevant section (likely General). Someone will be able to help you revise your draft and submit it to this documentation.

Current TODOs

This section lists the TODOs that have been included in this documentation. If you know how to fix one, please send us a Pull Request to make it better!

To create a todo, add this markup to your page:

.. todo:

   My todo text


Change the rootstock link to point to UBports once the actuallyfixit PR is merged.

(原始记录 见 /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/docsubportscom-zh-cn/checkouts/translation-testing/porting/installing-16-04.rst,第 28 行。)