Importing from Content Hub and URLdispatcher


In the previous guide we have seen a little bit about how Content Hub works. In this guide we will see how URLdispatcher works and how to handle imported data from the Content Hub.

Handle data from the Content Hub


OpenStore app from

One of the easiest ways of testing an app, is to send a test click to yourself on Telegram, and opening that click file with the OpenStore through the Content Hub:


If we tap on the OpenStore app, it will be opened and it will ask if we want to install the click file. Let’s take a look into the Main.qml code of the app to see how it is done:

Connections {
        target: ContentHub

        onImportRequested: {
            var filePath = String(transfer.items[0].url).replace('file://', '')
            print("Should import file", filePath)
            var fileName = filePath.split("/").pop();
            var popup =, root, {fileName: fileName});
            popup.accepted.connect(function() {
                contentHubInstallInProgress = true;

Do you see that Connections element that targets the ContentHub? When it receives the signal onImportRequested, it will take the url of the data sent from the Content Hub (transfer.items[0].url is the url of the first data sent) and open a PopUp element to let the user install the click.

What about the URLdispatcher?

The URL dispatcher is a piece of software, similar to the Content Hub, that makes our life easier trying to choose the correct app for a certain protocol. For example: We probably want to open the web browser when tapping on an http protocol. If we tap on a map link it is handy to open it with uNav or to open a twitter link in the Twitter app! How does that work?

The URLdispatcher selects which app (according to their manifest.json) will open a certain link.


Let’s see how our navigation app looks inside. uNav’s manifest shows special hooks for the URLdispatcher in its manifest.json code:

1  [
2     {
3         "protocol": "http",
4         "domain-suffix": ""
5     },
6     {
7         "protocol": "http",
8         "domain-suffix": ""
9     },
10    {
11        "protocol": "geo"
12    },
13    {
14        "protocol": "http",
15        "domain-suffix": ""
16    },
17    {
18        "protocol": "http",
19        "domain-suffix": ""
20    },
21    {
22        "protocol": "https",
23        "domain-suffix": ""
24    }
25 ]

This means that a link that looks like,xxxxx will be opened in uNav. And that’s defined in lines 2 and 3, where it looks for protocol http followed by

Also, a URI formatted geo:xxx,xxx should open in uNav, as it’s defined in line 11.

And how do we manage the received URL?

After the URLdispatcher sends the link to the correspondent app, we need to handle that URL or URI in the targeted app. Let’s see how to do that:

In the main qml file, we need to add some code to know what to do with the dispatched URL. First add an Arguments element that holds the URL, as is done, for example, in the Linphone app. Also, we add connection to the URI Handler with a Connection element with UriHandler as a target.

Arguments {
    id: args

    Argument {
        name: 'url'
        help:'Incoming Call from URL')
        required: false
        valueNames: ['URL']

Connections {
    target: UriHandler

    onOpened: {
        console.log('Open from UriHandler')

        if (uris.length > 0) {
            console.log('Incoming call from UriHandler ' + uris[0]);

This code will manage a URI in the form linphone://sip:xxx@xxx.xx when the app is opened. But what do we need to do to handle this link when the app is closed?

We need to add a little bit extra code that will cover two cases: 1) We receive one URL 2) We receive more than one URL

Component.onCompleted: {
    //Check if opened the app because we have an incoming call
    if (args.values.url && args.values.url.match(/^linphone/)) {

        console.log("Incoming Call on Closed App")

    } else if (Qt.application.arguments && Qt.application.arguments.length > 0) {

        for (var i = 0; i < Qt.application.arguments.length; i++) {
            if (Qt.application.arguments[i].match(/^linphone/)) {

    //Start timer for Registering Status

What happens if more than one app has the same URL type defined?

A very good question. What happens if we tap on a Twitter link? How is such a URL handled by the URLdispatcher as protocol http or the protocol http://twitter?

What happens if two apps have the same defined protocol?

Now it’s time to do some tests and share the results in the next guide.