Control de qualitat#

Aquesta pàgina explica com ajudar a l’equip de control de qualitat de l’UBports, tant com a membre oficial o com a nou col·laborador. Si us plau llegiu també les guies seguiment de problemes i informació d’errors per entendre millor el flux de treball. Per a comunicació en temps real, podeu unir-vos al nostre grup de telegram.

Proves de fum#

To test the core functionality of the operating system, we have compiled a set of standardized tests. Run these tests on your device to find and report bugs and regressions. It’s usually run on all devices before a new release to make sure no new issues were introduced.

Confirmació d’informes d’error#

Unconfirmed bugreports are labeled needs confirmation to enable global filtering. Browse through the list, read the bugreports and try to reproduce the issues that are described. If necessary, add missing information or logs, or improve the quality of the report by other means. Leave a comment stating your device, channel, build number and whether or not you were able to reproduce the issue.

If you have write-access to the repository, you can replace the needs confirmation label with bug (to mark it confirmed) or invalid (if the issue is definitely not reproducible). In that case it should be closed.

Si trobeu dos informes descrivint el mateix problema, deixeu un comentari i intenteu trobar les diferències. Si, de fet, són idèntics, tanqueu el més nou i poseu l’etiqueta duplicate (duplicat).

Comprovació de pegats#

Pull-requests can be tested using the QA scripts. Run ubports-qa -h for usage information.

Once the pull-request has been merged, the issue it fixes is moved to the completed column of the Gitlab Milestone. Please check if the issues in this column are still present in the latest update on the devel channel, then see if anything else has broken in the update. Check if the developer mentioned specific things to look out for when testing and leave a comment detailing your experience. If you have write-access to the repository, you can move the issue back to In Development (and reopen it) or forward to Release Candidate as specified by the issue tracking guidelines.

Triatge inicial de problemes#

Els membres de l’equip de control de qualitat amb permisos d’escriptura al repositori fa el triatge inicial dels problemes nous. Si es registra un nou problema, llegiu l’informe i afegiu les etiquetes correctes com s’especifica a directrius per al seguiment de problemes. Podeu començar immediatament a confirmar l’informe d’error.

Si ja s’ha reportat el nou problema en algun altre lloc, poseu-li l’etiqueta duplicate (duplicat) i tanqueu-lo.